Code of Ethics

Florida Canyon Gold Inc. and its affiliate companies (collectively, the "Company") are committed to conducting all business lawfully and with integrity. This Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (“Code”) covers a wide range of business practices and procedures, but it does not reiterate every policy that may maintain. All of the Company’s directors, officers, employees, consultants, and all other agents must follow this Code. This Code may be amended or modified from time to time, at the Company’s sole discretion. Everyone at Florida Canyon Gold is responsible for reading, understanding, complying with and enforcing this Code. If you have questions, ask your manager. Ignorance is not a defense to any actions taken in violation of the Code.

Reporting Responsibilities and Prohibition of Retaliation

This Code and any related policies contain the rules that all Florida Canyon Gold employees must follow, but they cannot address every issue that may arise. It is the responsibility of everyone at Florida Canyon Gold, to address issues as soon as possible. It never hurts to ask a question or to verify whether some activity or planned activity is in compliance with the Code and the related policies. Anyone who has a question about what is “the right thing to do”, should seek help.

When faced with a situation or a proposed course of action, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it legal?
  • Is it permitted by the Code and our policies?
  • How would it be viewed by the press, our shareholders, and others who have an interest in our ethical conduct?
  • Is it the “right thing”?

If you are unsure or you do not know how to answer these questions, get help. By getting help early, you might be able to prevent problems. By reporting your concerns, you might be able to contain problems. By always keeping in mind this Code, you will be able to help Florida Canyon Gold and your fellow employees adhere to the Code; you will help them to do the right thing.

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Reporting Hotline

Florida Canyon has established a reporting email address for the reporting of any concerns you may identify as potentially in violation of the Code:

You can either identify yourself or remain anonymous. What is important is that matters under the Code are reported. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to your supervisor or an executive within the Company, you are urged to utilize this Hotline. Florida Canyon Gold considers the Code and related policies to be of the utmost importance. Complaints will be directed to the Chief Financial Officer of Florida Canyon Gold for review and investigation. Reports concerning Code violations will be made to the Audit Committee by the Chief Financial Officer, no less frequently than at the quarterly Audit Committee meeting. More frequent reporting can be given at the specific request of the Audit Committee or should special circumstances require more frequent reporting. The Chair of the Compensation & Governance Committee will be responsible for making a summary update to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis.

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